What is sent mail
What is sent mail

what is sent mail

The mail server then goes out on the internet and tries to find the mail server that Bob is using. The mail server that Alice is using to send her message ( takes Alice's message and looks at the address to see where the message is being sent.When it is ready, Alice's mail program sends the message to a central computer called a mail server (or a Mail Transfer Agent) using some rules called the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. Her e-mail program puts the message together along with some other information, such as her email address, the address of the person she is writing to, the time at which she is sending her message, and so on. First, Alice writes a message to Bob in her e-mail program.In this example, Alice is sending email to Bob. This diagram gives an example of what happens when email is sent from one person to another using the traditional method. Exchange protocol works entirely differently from the traditional method and is not explained here. Microsoft invented its own " communication protocol" (or set of rules) for sending and receiving mail, called "Exchange". The traditional way uses a mailer, as is usual with smartphones.

what is sent mail

Webmail does not follow the pattern below exactly because the webpage is a web application and takes care of many details by itself.

what is sent mail

Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo! are among the many that do this kind of "web mail". Some companies let people send and receive emails for free from a remote website. The most common, called RFC 2822, looks like E-mail messages are sent mostly by text, and sometimes by HTML style. Several formats exist for email addresses. To send or receive an email in the traditional way, one needs a device (computer, phone etc.) connected to the Internet and an e-mail program (simply called mailer). Some programs used for sending and receiving mail can detect spam and filter it out nearly completely. Like with regular mail, users may get a lot of unwanted mail. Those are much like postal letters, except that they are delivered much faster than snail mail when sending over long distances, and are usually free. Electronic mail (or e-mail or email) is an Internet service that allows people who have an e-mail address ( accounts) to send and receive electronic letters.

What is sent mail